FIAC / Modern art

- But Paulette we don't have the invitation for
the FIAC !!! (parisian modern art exhibition)

- I don't give a shit about the invitation !

- Hello, young man...

- If you don't make us in, I tell everybody you're
hung like a canary (don't say no I can see it)...

- And the Grand Palais is mine according
to this old paper signed by Louis the 14th
- Ok ok, get in, ladies.


- Wow ! What is the masterpiece ?

- But... but this is just a giant dick !!!?
- (the man) What ? Don't say that, old bat !

- You uneducated bitch !
This is a reverse tribute to Courbet's "The Origin of the World" !

- Come on Rhonda,
let this man jerking off his brains out and let's drink !

- Cheers ! The best masterpieces are us, dear Rhonda !
- You're right, Paulette !!!

(10 mn later)

- Excuse me dear, I'm gonna vomit.

- OMG ! You repainted the Basquiat !!!

- Who did that ? You did ?!

- Yep !

- This is a reverse tribute to Basquiat. 10 millions $.

--- Great. I buy it.


7 commentaires:

estelle* a dit…

respect Paulette, point.

Unknown a dit…

du grand art ! J'adore quand Paulette met les pieds dans le plat !

***Paulette a dit…

estelle, je veux un iphonichon avec appli hubert.

Céline, tant que c'est que les pieds...

Annie Spandex a dit…

LOL, I'm in hysterics over this one.. Oh, the adventures of Paulette!! J'adore! xoxx

arnem a dit…

Mince, j'ai pas testé avec le gardien a l'entrée..en même temps j'ai jamais su comment parler aux hommes.
( me suis bien marée, merci ! )

Anonyme a dit…

Je viens de découvrir ton blog. Elle me plaît bien cette Paulette!

la flore et la faune a dit…

Annie, "I'm in hysterics over this one" is a great sentence. I gonna make a tshirt with it.

emilie A. eh bien tu essaies cette réplique, je pense que tu auras beaucoup de succès.

RebeccArmstrong, super, bienvenue à bord.